Why creativity matters in successful AI projects
Creativity is essential for successfully creating AI solutions that genuinely make a difference. In fact, it can be the one element that separates you from the competition in the long haul. Here’s why.
Regardless of how you define artificial intelligence, techniques like machine learning are undoubtedly the future of business and society at large. But in the sea of possibilities that is generally described as “the 4th Industrial Revolution”, knowing which direction to swim in can be an overwhelming challenge. The right solutions free up time, cut costs, and enable greater focus and dedication to what really matters in a business.
Why let potential go to waste?
Fueled by an ever-growing demand for more efficient technology, the market for AI solutions has exploded. Every day, new algorithms and products like ChatGPT, Midjourney and DALL-E push the boundaries of what is possible. Still, out of all commercial AI initiatives globally, only 15% ever make it to release. And it all comes down to human factors.
According to a recent report by McKinsey, early adopters of AI can double their cash flow by 2030, compared to non-adopters. But the study also shows that only 16% of Nordic CXOs believe that they have a very good understanding of how AI will impact their business model.
It is a significant challenge that so many companies and organizations don’t know where to begin and what to expect from their AI investments - even when AI is a significant part of their existing strategy. They are undoubtedly aware that a lot can be done with their existing data. The whats and hows, however, are a whole different story.
AI done right — a matter of mindset
Investments going up in smoke make for unhappy companies. Ground-breaking ideas going to waste make for unhappy developers and less attractive workplaces. So, what to do?
Firstly, implementing AI is not done overnight. The task of creating an autonomous enterprise or even semi-smart services often requires years of strategic scoring. But everything has a beginning, right? When you know where to put in the effort early on, you can start building on a sound foundation. Therefore, exploring all options and having an open mindset from the very start will go a long way, and make sure you’re not missing out on opportunities or stumble down a long and costly path.
Creativity means business
Knowing how to program a working algorithm, in theory, is great. But all implementation and no big picture thinking will often leave you with an investment that doesn’t really pay off. That is — if the product even sees the light of day at all.
For us, the key to enabling AI to its full potential is the fusion of human creativity combined with a strategic business sense. Engineering skills are simply not enough. The real differences in a successful AI project come from understanding what solutions are feasible, coming up with alternate perspectives, understanding where the most significant operational impact will be, and ultimately — what solution will lead to the best ROI. Both short-term and in a longer perspective.
Inventing the greater value
Opinions on how to best incorporate AI in an organization differ, but at Violet, we have a clear strategy when it comes to creating real value: Instead of trying to solve every problem at once using the most advanced AI tools at hand, you will benefit here and now from defining one solvable problem at a time. Analyze your business and your opportunities from multiple angles, ideate and find new perspectives, and find one thing to focus on as a start.
Creativity combined with AI technology is a beautiful combination that will revolutionize the world — and your business.
Curious about how AI can empower your business? Reach out to book a discovery workshop.

Don't forget to read our blog post about boosting Business Intelligence using AI.
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About Violet
Violet AI was founded in 2018 as one of the first pure-play AI agencies in the Nordics. Today, Violet consists of a fast-growing consulting and advisory team and four subsidiaries with a total of 50 employees. We specialize in Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics, Intelligent Automation, System Development, and AI Strategy.